2 resultados relacionados con "John Munthe".
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Artículo de revista
An assessment of costs and benefits associated with mercury emission reductions from major anthropogenic sources

Air Pollution - economics, Air Pollution - prevention & control, Alkalies - chemistry, Animals, Coal - analysis, Mercury - analysis, Power Plants - standards, Chlorine - chemistry, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Humans, Mercury - economics, Industrial Waste - prevention & control

Año de publicación: 2010

Artículo de revista
Recovery of Mercury-Contaminated Fisheries

Geography, Geomorphology, Structural basins, Ecosystems, Zoology, Biology, Soil pollution, Freshwater fishes, Electromagnetic interactions, Lentic systems, Sedimentary petrology, Petrology, Astronomical objects, Agronomy, Fish, Agriculture, Soil science, Electromagnetism, Geology, Functional group transfer, Mercury Pollution, Watersheds, Earth sciences, Chem...

Año de publicación: 2007